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Set up probabilistic revenue sharing

How do you share a portion of a web monetized page’s earnings when a monetization <link> element only supports one payment pointer as its href value?

One way is through probabilistic revenue sharing. Probabilistic revenue sharing works by choosing from a list of predefined payment pointers each time a web monetized visitor loads the page. Payments are sent to the chosen payment pointer until the visitor reloads or closes the page.

A payment pointer’s chance of being chosen is based on its assigned weight. For example, if Alice’s payment pointer has a weight of 50 (out of 100), then her payment pointer has a 50% chance of being chosen. The laws of probability state that Alice’s share of the page’s total revenue will approach 50% as more web monetized visitors access the page.


This example shows how to use probabilistic revenue sharing by including a script on your web monetized page.

The example below shows a list of weighted payment pointers. The easiest way to establish weight is to assign values that add up to 100.

    // Define your revenue share here.
    // If the weights add up to 100 then they represent the percent each payment pointer gets.
    const pointers = {
      '$wallet.example/alice': 50,
      '$wallet.example/bob': 40,
      '$wallet.example/connie': 9.5,
      '$wallet.example/dave': 0.5,

    function pickPointer() {
      const sum = Object.values(pointers).reduce((sum, weight) => sum + weight, 0)
      let choice = Math.random() * sum

      for (const pointer in pointers) {
        const weight = pointers[pointer]
        if ((choice -= weight) <= 0) {
          return pointer

    window.addEventListener('load', () => {
      const monetizationTag = document.createElement('link')
      monetizationTag.rel = 'monetization'
      monetizationTag.href = pickPointer()


How it works

First, we list the payment pointers and assign each one a weight.

If the combined weights equal 100, then each weight represents the percentage at which each payment pointer will be chosen. For example, $wallet.example/connie has a 9.5% chance of being chosen, resulting in Connie’s share approaching 9.5% of the page’s total revenue as more web monetized visitors access the site.

const pointers = {
  '$wallet.example/alice': 50,
  '$wallet.example/bob': 40,
  '$wallet.example/connie': 9.5,
  '$wallet.example/dave': 0.5,

Since this method bypasses the need to include a monetization <link> element, you can choose to use a payment pointer’s shorthand form (e.g., $wallet.example/alice) rather than the endpoint URL that the payment pointer resolves to (e.g. https://wallet.example/alice).

Next, we define the function to cause payment pointers to be chosen based on weight.

function pickPointer() {
  const sum = Object.values(pointers).reduce((sum, weight) => sum + weight, 0)
  let choice = Math.random() * sum

  for (const pointer in pointers) {
    const weight = pointers[pointer]
    if ((choice -= weight) <= 0) {
      return pointer

Finally, we add the code that dynamically inserts the randomly chosen payment pointer into the page on each load/refresh.

window.addEventListener('load', () => {
  const monetizationTag = document.createElement('link')
  monetizationTag.rel = 'monetization'
  monetizationTag.href = pickPointer()


Interactive example

This example shows how the random choices will approach the correct percentages over enough tries. You can customize the number of times to randomly choose a pointer and it will show you the results.

The example doesn’t require you to have Web Monetization enabled in your browser and no real payments are occurring.

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